Aug 2000
I got a fair understanding of what my work is going to be, It's the CNC Milling Path Generation. Given a contour, the software needs to find the path for a milling machine. My first Task in the project was to fix the memory leaks in software. The Milling path Generation programme was written in c++ with MFC as it's front end. I have a warm welcome to the world of Visual C++, C++, MFC programming.
I got a fair understanding of what my work is going to be, It's the CNC Milling Path Generation. Given a contour, the software needs to find the path for a milling machine. My first Task in the project was to fix the memory leaks in software. The Milling path Generation programme was written in c++ with MFC as it's front end. I have a warm welcome to the world of Visual C++, C++, MFC programming.