This month it is back to Content Store. The content Store needs few stories to be wrapped up.
The interesting part is in these stories.
1) AWS Cloudformation :
I orchestrated the content store stack using aws cloudformation. Right from dns(route 53), Elastic load balancer, Cloud front, S3, ec2, access control,MongoDb replica set, all in < 1000 lines of code. Wow!! what powerful framework. The one think which puzzles me in this whole equation is which framework is authoritative for running script, is it the cloudinit, cfn-init or puppet . Right now I am using the hybrid approach of loading basic user-data and handing the control to cfn-init.
2) MongoDB Replica set:
This was another interesting story to setup mongoDB replica set.
3) EveryAuth:
Authentication and Authorization in single api,google hybrid auth :) thats cool.