The Objective of this plugin is to launch the bride from browser and to stop when not in use. There are few options to develop this plugin this document will explain the thought process that went through in selecting the plugin.
- Natively Craft
- Create plugin using NSAPI plugin
- This approach is very cumbersome
- discounting this approach
- Juice Framework
JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software.
- Seems to be designed for cross platform UI development like QT framework and not specifically for plugin development
- It’s a template engine which generates the necessary boilerplate code for all browser and platforms
- I have tried the simple plugin and it seems to work fine on ie,firefox and chrome
- Seems well supported by the community
- love this framework !!!!
- not yet
- PPAPI -> Extension to NPAPI by google
Getting Started with Firebreath
- Development environment : windows 8 , visual studio 2012
- Install mysysgit for windows : http://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/detail?name=Git-1.8.0-preview20121022.exe&can=2&q=
- git clone https://github.com/sree6644/FireBreath.git firebreath
- cd firebreath
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- C:\Users\salagappa\Projects\plugin\firebreath-dev> C:\Python27\python.exe .\fbgen.py [ Name the project]
- move .\projects ..
- .\firebreath-dev\prep2012.cmd projects build
- FireBreath\prep2012.cmd -DWITH_SYSTEM_BOOST=1" "-DBOOST_ROOT=C:\boost_1_52_0” projects build2
- Open the visual studio solution and buid the project
- regsvr32 xx.dll
- run the test page
does not work
Working on this now:
C:\Users\salagappa\Downloads\process -google\boost\process
added WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN in cricut precompile
- I did face _USRDLL not defined error while building the DLL Solution : define this in Projects
- Need certificate to sign the browser plugin
- User Experience : some users may be turned off with plugins because of security considerations
- Single Installer package for better user experience
- Develop installer for windows and Mac
- How does reload and install experience look like
- Licensing