Sunday, December 27, 2015

Evaluation of continuous Integration

last four days focussed on a end to end continuous integrated build and deploy solution

the flow will be

developer -> check in to github -> triggers build -> post build trigger test cases -> if test case successful deploys to ec2.

Advantage of hosted solution

  1. consistent build using docker
  2. Easy to add multiple builds like ios , android ,php, nodejs, .NET
  3. Easy to deploy to multiple providers like codedeploy, s3, opsworks, npm .. etc (
  4. Speedy builds 
  5. Speedy integration and unit test
  6. Build on multiple platform : good solution for build and deploy, very young startup

- after trying all the software for our needs distelli is the clear winer

- it has a nice yaml file to describe build & deployment dependency
- I can easily deploy to my ec2 instance 

end to end project :; good for open source project and build, not good solution for deployment, big dady of all : average solution for deploy : average solution for deploy

Aws codedeploy : too hard will take time to mature

Aws ECS : too hard will take time to mature

Heroku : don't want to go with hosted solution now