2. Install Docker Edge Channel
3. Once Docker Installed Execute this command
Reference : https://rafaelstz.github.io/magento2/Install-Magento2-Docker-Development.html
4. Log Into docker Image
docker exec -ti m2docker_apache_1 bash
5. Install Magento
composer create-project --repository-url=https://repo.magento.com/ magento/project-community-edition magento2
6. Get Mysql Ip
docker inspect m2docker_db_1 | grep IPAddress
7. Start the setup of Magento2
8. Docker Tips
The first time installation might not work right if so if you wanted to clean up docker use these handy commands
# stop all containers:
# docker kill $(docker ps -q)
# remove all containers
# docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
# remove all docker images
# docker rmi $(docker images -q)
9. How to setup Php Storm and edit the files in the container
ToDo: Need to research how to setup docker volumes so that files can be shared and edited.
10. Linkshttp://localhost:8080/
11.How the edit the magento2 files
under the directory there is a mapping folder src
these Steps can be further simplified with just one command docker-compose up;