1. Query Preprocessing and Understanding:
- Query Understanding: The foundational step where the search engine attempts to understand the user's intent and the meaning of the query.
- Language Identification: Detecting the language of the query to apply appropriate linguistic processing.
- Character Filtering: Cleaning the query by removing or normalizing irrelevant or harmful characters.
- Tokenization: Breaking down the query into individual words or tokens for further analysis.
- Spelling Correction: Identifying and correcting spelling errors to ensure the query reflects the user's intended search.
- Stemming and Lemmatization: Reducing words to their base or root form to improve the matching process.
- Entity Recognition: Identifying named entities (people, places, organizations) within the query to enhance understanding and retrieval accuracy.
- Taxonomies and Ontologies: Utilizing structured knowledge frameworks to interpret the query within a broader context of related concepts and relationships.
2. Query Modification and Expansion:
- Query Rewriting: Modifying the original query to improve its effectiveness, potentially including synonym replacement or rephrasing.
- Query Expansion: Adding related terms or phrases to the query to broaden its scope and retrieve more comprehensive results.
- Query Relaxation: Simplifying or broadening the query criteria to ensure results are returned even when exact matches are not found.
- Query Segmentation: Breaking the query into meaningful segments or phrases to understand the relationship between different parts of the query.
- Query Scoping: Determining the specific subset of data or indexes that the query should target based on its content or user context.
3. Contextual and Personalized Processing:
- Contextual Query Understanding: Incorporating additional context (such as the user's previous queries or the current webpage) to better interpret the query.
- Session Context: Using data from the current search session to tailor search results and suggestions.
- Location as Context: Considering the user's geographic location to deliver more relevant local results.
- Seasonality: Adjusting search responses based on seasonal trends or events relevant to the query.
- Personalization: Tailoring search results and suggestions based on the user's historical behavior and preferences.
4. Interactive Search Features:
- Autocomplete and User Experience: Predicting and suggesting possible completions for the user's query to speed up the search process.
- Search as a Conversation: Facilitating a more interactive search experience, where the system and user engage in a dialogue to refine the search.
- Clarification Dialogues: Asking follow-up questions to clarify the user's intent when the initial query is ambiguous.
- Relevance Feedback: Allowing users to provide feedback on the relevance of results to refine future searches.
5. Result Processing and Presentation:
- Faceted Search: Enabling users to refine search results based on specific attributes or categories.
- Search Results Presentation: The overall layout and presentation of search results to the user.
- Search Result Snippets: Generating short previews or summaries of each result to help users assess relevance.
- Search Results Clustering: Grouping similar results to help users navigate large sets of results more effectively.
- Question Answering: Providing direct answers to queries phrased as questions, often extracted from documents or generated by AI.
- Query Understanding
- Language Identification
- Character Filtering
- Tokenization
- Spelling Correction
- Stemming and Lemmatization
- Query Rewriting
- Query Expansion
- Query Relaxation
- Query Segmentation
- Query Scoping
- Entity Recognition
- Taxonomies and Ontologies
- Autocomplete
- Autocomplete and User Experience
- Contextual Query Understanding
- Session Context
- Location as Context
- Seasonality
- Personalization
- Search as a Conversation
- Clarification Dialogues
- Relevance Feedback
- Faceted Search
- Search Results Presentation
- Search Result Snippets
- Search Results Clustering
- Question Answering
Query Understanding
Language Identification
Character Filtering
Spelling Correction
Stemming and Lemmatization
Query Rewriting: An Overview
Query Expansion
Query Relaxation
Query Segmentation
Query Scoping
Entity Recognition
Taxonomies and Ontologies
Autocomplete and User Experience
Contextual Query Understanding
Session Context
Location as Context
Search as a Conversation
Clarification Dialogues
Relevance Feedback
Faceted Search
Search Results Presentation
Search Result Snippets
Search Results Clustering
Question Answering